Terms of Use
1. General Provisions
(1) Purpose
It aims for following and regulating necessary policy of web service of Hyundai Asset Management Co., Ltd., under Telecommunications Business Act.
It targets to stipulate the right and responsibility of users and a company if the one uses the services herein.
(2) Efficacy and Alternation
- 1.By alerting the clause, through the service, efficacy is automatically created.
- 2.Hyundai Asset Management has a right to change the contents without notice if an immediate action is required.
(3) Other Regulations
Categories, not indicated in the provision, follow the rule if they are in the legislation.
2. Use of Service
(4) Copyrights
- 1.A publisher holds a right and responsibility of the post and cannot use for commercial objective without permission of Hyundai Asset Management, if not for posting in the webpage.
- 2.Our members cannot divulge the information posted in the service for commercial purpose like selling, etc.
(5) Service Utilization
- 1.The utilizing time is subject to 24 hours, all years around if not an emergency occurs such as routine inspection.
- 2.A company can devise specific time of utilization by sections
- ①Announcements would be posted beforehand.
(6) Limitation of Obligation
It is users’ responsibility whether to accept information provided herein.
Hyundai Asset Management accepts no responsibility for any provided information.
Accordingly, a company does not guarantee any disadvantages such as loss, damage, etc. occurred by the listed information in the page.
(7) Duty
The members cannot process any sales activities of offering some products by using the service unless the one is approved by the employee holding authorization.
Especially, commercial activities through hacking, profitable advertisement, pornographic site, etc. are strictly banned.
Hyundai Asset Management will not be held liable for any detention or legal action following by violated sales activities.
(8) Prohibition
- 1.Hyundai Asset Management may suspend the service.
- ① If regular inspection is required
- ② If Key Telecommunications Service Provider stopped the service
- ③ If there are some uncontrollable issues
- 2.Hyundai Asset Management can partially or entirely end the service if there are some errors caused by technical issue or overflowed access, state of national emergency, blackout, and so on.
- 3.A company has a right to provide prior notice to customers.
3. Indemnification for Damage
(9) Compensation
A company provides general information and users hold the duty of finalized decision and information absorption. Hyundai Asset Management does not provide any warranty regarding to the services even if the users meet some losses.
(10) (Exemption Provisions)
- ① If cataclysm or any uncontrollable issue occurs
- ② If errors occurred by attributable reasons
- ③ If the person gets a loss or lower returns than the expected profits using provided information in the service
- ④ If the users post contents
- ⑤ If the loss occurs by users’ negligence or intention
(11) A Competent Court
Seoul Central District Court is in charge of lawsuits regarding to the dispute from the service.
[Subsidiary Law] This terms processes from January 1st 2021.